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and sold by fire protection engineers.

Fire Pump Evaluation Program 2002

Fire Pump Evaluation Program 2002 is software designed for use in recording fire pump test results, and in developing a pump performance history (actual pump flow [gpm] and pressure [psi]) for both horizontal split-case and vertical turbine fire pumps, with either constant or variable speed drives.

Fire Pump Evaluation Program 2002 was developed for use by:

Fire Pump Evaluation Program 2002 determines the pump's actual characteristics curve by calculating flow results at a given pressure.  The calculation incorporates pitot nozzle pressures or flow meter readings.

Fire Pump Evaluation Program 2002 was designed for users who perform fire pump tests and are responsible for determining and monitoring the adequacy of a fire pump's performance.  The program is a means to input raw test data and obtain output of the resulting pump performance.  Hand calculations are eliminated by the program and the user has a complete testing database for comparison of fire pump test data.

Fire Pump Evaluation Program 2002 is designed as a database system capable of storing large amounts of information about companies, fire pumps and pump test results. The user is able to enter fire pump, jockey pump, driver and controller information such as; Model #s, Serial #s, Manufacturers, RPMs, AMPs, Driver Type and Size.

Fire Pump Evaluation Program 2002 allows the user to enter an almost unlimited number of flow tests per fire pump.  This enables a history of pump performance tests to be compiled for display and review.  The display capabilities of Fire Pump Evaluation Program 2002 have been enhanced to allow up to four pump flow test curves to be displayed and printed on a single graph.

Fire Pump Evaluation Program 2002 was conceived and developed by Fire Protection Engineering professionals who monitor and perform fire pump tests on a daily basis.  Fire Pump Evaluation Program 2002 puts an integrated pump performance calculation routine and database system at your fingertips.

Fire Pump Evaluation Program 2002 is fully compatible with the Hose Monster®.

Fire Pump Evaluation Program 2002 requires Windows® 95, 98, 2000, NT, ME or XP and a Windows® compatible printer.  The program comes with fully illustrated documentation detailing the program's operating and help functions.

Fire Pump Evaluation Program 2002 is a tool which will easily pay for itself within days, by saving you countless manhours.

There is NO mandatory renewal fee with Fire Pump Evaluation Program 2002. Updates/enhancements are free for the first six months after purchase.  A demonstration CD with documentation is available upon request.


Copyright 2002 FPE Software, Inc.